Wedding Photography | Andy & Grace

Andy and Grace is a pretty special couple to our family because my wife Jenny’s family has known Andy’s family for over 20View full post »

NEW blog coming very soon :)

I am in the process of switching my blog from being hosting on blogger’s servers. But I’m excited to be changing to the newView full post »

Something interesting that I read today…

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” ~Aristotle I think that somewhat reflectsView full post »

Flash —- it's your friend :)

I gotta say, one of the things that I notice when I go to all the weddings, sorority formals, and other events I go to, there are always anView full post »

Hyatt Regency Orange County | Wedding Photography | John & Vivi

So now that I’m blogging somewhat regularly, I got the 2nd wedding that I shot for 2008. This wedding is probably one of the moreView full post »

St. Andrew Catholic Church | Wedding Photography | John & Amanda

Wedding of John and Amanda is a beautiful one not because of the venue or decor, but because they are a wonderful loving couple that hasView full post »

Trump National Golf Club | Wedding Photography | Dante & Jimelle

Dante and Jimelle, they may look familiar to some of you because they’re a great looking couple, but also because I had the pleasureView full post »

LA Arboretum Universal Hilton Wedding Photographer

Los Angeles County Arboretum & The Universal Hilton | Wedding Photography | David & Thi

Wedding of David and Thi (pronounced tee) was a real fun, but long day. We did some tea ceremony in the morning at Thi’s home withView full post »

Say Hello to Hulu

Hey, just found something much cooler than YouTube! (uh…..I only (waste) allocate minimal time to that kinda stuff during the workView full post »