The Grand – Long Beach | Wedding Photography | Ling & Joey

Ling and Joey is probably the youngest couple I’ve shot….i think…. but it was still real fun for me to shoot. Maybe because I’ve already done a few family portrait sessions for Ling’s family for the past few years, so I kinda feel like I was part of the family…..(at least I thought I was)

Their wedding was at the Long Beach Grand, enjoy:

The Grand – Long Beach
4101 E. Willow St.
Long Beach, CA 90815

I love shoes, don’t know why, but i just love shooting shoes 🙂

and love to spend some time with detail shots!

the cute couple 😉

real crazy guys……but just a blast to shoot, they were cracking me up!

I like this group shot a lot for some reason

beautiful bride

lovely detail of bride’s ring/hand/veil/pretty-ness 🙂

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